Diversity of Pests and Natural Enemies in Rice Fields in Kiniar Village, East Tondano District, North Sulawesi-Indonesia


Parluhutan Siahaan


A study was conducted in Kiniar Village, East Tondano District, North Sulawesi, to investigate the variety of pests and their natural adversaries in rice fields. The primary objective of this research was to ascertain the count of insect that act as pests, the number of natural enemy, diversity index, dominance index, and species relative abundance of insect pests and natural enemies in rice fields in Kiniar Village. The results showed that there are 40 insects and spider from 29 families and eight orders in local rice cultivation in Kiniar Village. These species were further categorized into two classes, consisting of 20 pests and 20 natural enemies. The diversity index calculated for all species was 2.99, with separate values of 2.36 for insect pests and 2.42 for natural enemies. Regarding the abundance index, Leptocorisa acuta emerged as the primary pest species, boasting the highest index value at 28.86%, while Tetragnatha sp. stood out as the most prominent natural enemy, with a substantial index value of 32.17%. The dominance index, on the other hand, was determined to be 0.08, indicating that no single insect species exerted dominant control over rice cultivation in Kiniar Village. The diversity of natural enemies and pests is in the medium category. There are no species that dominate the rice fields in Kiniar village, either pests or natural enemies.


Author Biographies

Parluhutan Siahaan, Sam Ratulangi University

Department of Biology

Saroyo, Sam Ratulangi University

Department of Biology

Agustina, Sam Ratulangi University

Department of Biology

Susan, Sam Ratulangi University

Department of Biology

How to Cite
Siahaan P, Saroyo S, Tangapo AM, Mambu SM. Diversity of Pests and Natural Enemies in Rice Fields in Kiniar Village, East Tondano District, North Sulawesi-Indonesia. J. appl. agricultural sci. technol. [Internet]. 2024May27 [cited 2025Jan.21];8(2):200-1. Available from: http://jaast.org/index.php/jaast/article/view/226


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