Journal Title     : Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
ISSN                  : 2621-4709
E-ISSN               : 2621-2528
DOI Prefix        : 10.55043/jaast (new), 10.32530/jaast (old)
Access policy   : Open access
Frequency.      : Starting from 2023, 4 times/year (February, May, August and November), before 2 times/year (February and August )
Editor in Chief : Prof. Edi Syafri Scopus ID: 57196348984
Association      : Green Engineering Society
Publisher.         : Green Engineering Society
Accreditation Number: 5162/E4/AK.04/2021 

Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology (JAAST) has been ACCREDITED by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (RistekDikti) of The Republic of Indonesia as an achievement for the peer-reviewed journal. Started from Volume 4 Number 2 (2020),  the accreditation of JAAST is promoted to Sinta 2 rank as stated on the decree of Director of Resources of Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology No 5162/E4/AK.04/2021 .

this is the new address of the JAAST website from the old domain

JAAST has been cited at least  132 times at Scopus database since the first publication in 2017.  JAAST  is cited at Scopus database with name search variations:
1. Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology
2. J. Appl. Agric. Sci. Technol

Article processing charges (APCs) / Article Publication Fee: 79.00 (USD) or 1,200,000 (IDR)
Article with authors from two or more countries will have an article publication fee of $49.00 (USD) or 790,000 (IDR).

JAAST will apply in Scopus after publishing Vol. 8 No. 3, so that every manuscript that will be published must be proofread by GoodLingua to improve the grammatical quality of each manuscript. Proofreading fee: Rp. 250,000 per 1000 words (5-8 pages depending on paper format). The proofreading fee does not include publication costs. JAAST already has a partnership with GoodLingua and gets a 10% proofreading fee discount.




The journal has been listed in:

Vol. 8 No. 4 (2024): Journal of Applied Agricultural Science and Technology

Published: 2024-11-24

The Effect of Using Cellulose Nanofiber from Kapok (Ceiba pentandra, L) as Reinforcement on The Properties of Recycled Papers

Fransiska Angelina Rezekinta, Anwar Kasim, Edi Syafri, Firman Ridwan , Irawati Chaniago , Hideaki Ichiura


The Concept Design of Rice Quality Detection System Using Model-Based System Engineering Approach

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Biogas Production from Various Vegetable Waste Using the Mesophilic Batch Process

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Organic and Biofertilizers as Replacements for Synthetic Fertilizers to Increase Rice Yield in Tidal Swamp

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Development of Flat Burr Coffee Grinding Machine for Small and Medium Enterprises Scale

Rofandi Rori Aditiar Warandi, Maulana Furqon , Dadang Gandara, Taufik Yudhi, Ade Rosadi, Santoso Santoso, Azis Budi Setyawan, Subardiya Noor, Samsu Samsu, Ari Rahayuningtyas


The Influence of Different Light Intensity on the Growth of Zoysia matrella Seeds

Sari Widya Utami, Artdhita Fajar Pratiwi, Galih Mustiko Aji


Controlling Horn Beetles Using Pineapple Fruits Trap in Palm Oil Plant

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Enhancing Vigor and Viability of Deteriorated True Shallot Seed by Matriconditioning Using Biofertilizer and Washed Rice Water

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